Decadent Publishing YA Blog Stomp-Julie Campbell

Hi Everyone! I’m super excited to have Julie Campbell back again.. this time with an interview of her one of her characters!!

~Contest ended! Congrats to winner acm05!~

Welcome to Decadent Publishing’s Blog Stomp Young Adult book tour. This is also a stop on my blog tour for the release of my first novel, Senior Year Bites.  Jen thanks so much for letting me post here today. Stick around at the end for the contest details.

(Fun little detail. Right before writing this blog I got a shirt from Carol, my boyfriend’s step-mom, that says “Only vampires can love you forever.” What perfect timing.)

Interview with Meg from Senior Year Bites:

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! First of all, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Well, I’m a senior at Banks high school. I like math and I secretly dream of being a hero like my dad. Oh yeah, and minor detail… I’m a vampire.

Once you got used to the idea, what became your favorite part of being a vampire? Your least favorite?

Hmm, I’m not sure I’ll ever really be used to the idea, but I have to say the super strength is really fun. The least favorite part? When I’m thinking about it, drinking blood. Of course when the vampire part of me takes over, drinking blood is my favorite thing. How gross is that?

How hard was it to keep from others your change?

Hahahaha, I failed. So really hard. I only managed to keep it from my two best friends, Steph and Ann, for a short time. I didn’t manage to keep it from the guys for very long either. Alexander already knew – arrogant bastard.

For those who learned about you becoming a vampire, who do you think took it the best? The worst?

Steph took it the best. She’s all about this super hero idea. Ann took it the worst, and I’m still not sure why.

Is there anything you regret?

Yeah, a lot of things. Not getting to say goodbye to my dad properly before he died is a big one. That happened when I was much younger though, so it’s a distant ache. I regret spending the night in a graveyard.
If you could change the past- what would you change?

Truth or dare… just take the bloody Truth! Who cares if you have a crush on a boy? Admitting it is better than getting turned into a vampire.

Do you have any advice for those newly turned?

Don’t let yourself get hungry. You don’t have to kill people to feed, but if you let yourself get too hungry, you lose control. Who knows what you’d do then?

What are your plans for the future?

Um, future? I’m not sure I have one. Lurking in the dark maybe? I’m still too shocked to have plans, but I know Steph does. She’s working on something and I’m sure she’ll drag me along for the ride.

Everyone who comments today will be entered to win a Decadent title of their choice. You can go to to look around. Please leave us a way to contact you so we can let you know you won. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Also, all commenters will be entered into the grand prize drawing. You can check out the details here:

Author Bio:

Julie writes fantasy novels. When she’s not out riding her horse, she can usually be found sitting in front of her computer with a cat on her lap and her dog at her side.

Senior Year Bites Blurb:

Senior year is supposed to be fun: boys, dances and graduation.

It’s significantly harder to enjoy it when you’re dead.

Truth or Dare is supposed to be fun too. It’s not even close to dangerous, so playing
at Steph’s house didn’t seem like a bad idea. My dare? Spend the rest of the night in
the graveyard next to her house. It was only a couple of hours until false dawn, my
proscribed return time, so no big deal right? Right.

I survived the attack, but it took me a few days to figure out what was going on. I mean
vampires might stalk pop culture, but they’re just myths. Yeah. Not so much.

School is a lot more difficult when you’re a nocturnal creature of the night. I was
managing, but I couldn’t keep it hidden from my friends for long. After I managed to
accidentally save one of our cheerleaders from her drunk and ill-intentioned boyfriend.
Steph decided that we should be cool, like superheroes, and fight crime.

Only I’m a vampire, not a hero, and we live in a sleepy New England town, so crime’s a
little harder to come by. At least it is until a serial killer moves into the area. He’s got
the authorities stumped, but then again, the cops don’t have a teenage, blood-sucking,
non-hero on their team.

About jlwylie

Stay at home mom of 2 boys, avid reader and writer. Published by Untold Press

15 thoughts on “Decadent Publishing YA Blog Stomp-Julie Campbell

  1. Sally A Wolf says:

    I wish I could read faster so much to read so little time.

  2. Hi JA, this books sounds awesome. I think my girls would read it with me:)


  3. ladyvampire says:

    Great interview! And I love the blurb for this book.

    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  4. Melora says:

    I like the idea of following the story of a newly made vampire, especially since it looks like she was left alone to figure things out. I am curious to see how she manages having to go to school with a major light allergy!

    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  5. acm05 says:

    I enjoyed the character interview with Meg. I found the aspect that she might have ended up a vampire as a consequence of playing truth or dare intriguing.

  6. Elena Gray says:

    I love character interviews! They are so much fun!


  7. Jen, thanks so much for having me today.


  8. lisagk says:

    Nice shirt. Sad I missed the giveaway. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

  9. Thank you so much for hosting us here, Jen!

    Decadent Publishing
    www decadentpublishing com

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